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Filopto Help Manual


From time to time claims will be rejected by MSI.  It is important to review the reason for the rejected claim.  Depending on the reason provided for the rejection from MSI you may wish to consider the following procedures.


MSI Claim  Action Codes


(Reversal- d code)

(Reassess - r code)



1) If the claim is rejected for incomplete information or other reasons you can sometimes re-submit the corrected claim another time by choosing the MSI Action field and selecting the appropriate action.  To re-submit select the MSI action field item called Reassess which is at times referred by MSI as the R code.


2) If the claim is not correctable MSI may stipulate in the reject notes that the claim must be canceled or deleted.  To do this action you must select the MSI action called Reversal ( also called at times by MSI as a D code).   Once a Reversal is done you must wait till you get confirmation from MSI of the acceptance of the Reversal action and then you can VOID the claim in Filopto which removes the claim from the active claim list in Filopto. DO NOT VOID A CLAIM UNTIL YOU GET CONFIRMATION FROM MSI THAT IT HAS BEEN CANCELLED.


3) If you receive a Duplicate reject message from MSI this means that users have created two claims for the same invoice and that the first claim was never sent to MSI with a Reversal action.  Therefore it is still active in MSI and needs to be either corrected and re-sent with a Reassess action or a Reversal action to cancel the claim.   If the first claim is active then the following claims created in error for that invoice should be Voided in Filopto.