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OHIPValidationchecker  ( requires the OHIP connector)


The OHIP validation checker (Validate OHIP Health Card Number and Retrieve Available Patient Information) is available at several places in Filopto. It permits a user to verify if a OHIP card is valid and depending on the information available from OHIP if the a service charge is acceptable for reimbursement.  To validate a fee service code for a patient, place a check mark in the Validate for one or more fee service code(s) field.  This will display the Fee Service Code field with the instructions on its use.  Optometrist will typically use the OHIP Fee Service Codes, V404, V406, V409, V450 and V451.








The messages returned by OHIP are provided "AS IS" without any modification. It is your responsibility to take any Actions requested by OHIP.   Depending on the fields entered and the card being verified,  many different messages can be provided by OHIP.  We strongly recommend that you read the full message,  since some messages may not be clear on their meaning upon first reading.  Also special instructions may exist,  such in the case of a stolen card or a service not being eligible or a card not yet activated or a card only being valid in a future date.  OHIP adds to, and modifies the possible messages that you may receive from time to time.


If the OHIP card is validated you should see one or more message(s) similar to the following:





If the OHIP card fails validation you should see one or more message(s) such as the following:  ( Note that the Icon and color of the reply screen is designed to indicate than an action from you may be requested from OHIP).





OHIP Card Validation SETUP


In the (Back Office tab / Insurance Manager button)  OHIP Insurance Manager / Profile you must enter the information provided by OHIP to be able to validate the cards.  This information is provided directly by OHIP.  You must call OHIP for this information since they are unique to each office registration listed in the Insurance Company / Office Information tab.


Complete all 3 fields identified below (1)


1) Username

2) Password

3) Service User Ministry ID. (typically Office/Providers OHIP account code)







OHIP Validation is available in the Patient Quick Entry




OHIP Validation is also available everywhere where the Patient Banner is displayed (Patient Manager, Patient File, Scheduler, EMR, Invoice, Lab Order Manager)





The OHIP Validation is also available in the Patient File - Insurance tab. The validation button and Validation log for the patient are available directly from this location.  When doing a validation from the Patient file the Card on Record will be automatically entered for verification. a user can override the entered information displayed.





OHIP Validation Today's Appointments (Multi-appointment validation)


Filopto can batch process the appointments on the Patient Scheduler in a single step. By using the Back Office Validate Today's Patient OHIP Health Card Numbers button a user can easily validate all OHIP cards scheduled to be used today linked to scheduled appointments.




When the Validate Today's Patient OHIP Health Card Numbers button is selected it will display the number of OHIP cards selected for validation.  Select the Validate button to validate the cards. (Note: The validation is only done for the office in which the user is log-in. It cannot validate multiple offices at once per the OHIP regulations).


Validate Today Patients OHIP Cards Step 1



Once OHIP validates the cards a result grid is displayed with the results of each card validation.


Validate Today Patients OHIP Cards Validation Completed.



OHIP Validation Log


Patient File


The Patient File -  Insurance tab displays The OHIP Health Card Validation Log (response of a card validation request) for the selected patient.




Insurance Profile


Two logs are associated to the OHIP Insurance Profile;  The Card Validation Log (1) which list a log of all cards verified (response), and the EBS Transaction log (2) which list all communications/transactions with the Ministry (required by the Ministry for Audit purposes).


