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Filopto Help Manual

Navigation: Inventory Tab > Inventory Manager

Inventory Item Types

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Inventory Item Types are:


Contact Lenses Soft

Contact Lenses Hard

Contact Lenses options



Ophthalmic Lenses

Ophthalmic Lenses options



Service Agreements



Please note that although the major item types are pre-defined, the Inventory system allows users to create their own inventory Sub-Categories and Groups. These Categories and Groups may assist you in managing a large inventory and to sub-segment the items, parts or services. (See Stocking.)


Another aid for users coming from a previous software system other than Filopto is the"User Item /Part number". Filopto automatically assigns an Inventory Item number to all items entered; however you may wish to continue using historical inventory numbers or inventory numbers you are familiar with. This field permits you to adapt Filopto to your historical Inventory numbers.