The Stocking tab contains information related to the stocking of an item.
Stocking Category: This is an optional field which can assist users in tracking Stocking Categories of items. The Inventory is grouped by default by Inventory Type, Vendors and Manufacturers. The custom Stocking Category field permits users to further classify inventory items based on their tracking needs. Once a Stocking Category is created, multiple inventory items can be linked to it for analysis or tracking purposes. Several built-in reports are available on activity based on the Stocking Category field. Custom reports can also be created by the user to answer the questions that the Stocking Category provides. Stocking Category can also be a sub-set of the type/vendor/manufacturer grouping of inventory items. For example, the type of inventory item called Frames could be further grouped using a sub-category such as a the name of a collection of frames. The key to properly using this field is to plan what items should be grouped together to answer the tracking questions you want answered. The Stocking Category can be use in conjunction or as a sub-category for the Stocking Group field.
Stocking Group: This is an optional field which can assist users in tracking groupings of items. The Inventory is grouped by default by Inventory Type, Vendors and Manufacturers. The custom Stocking Group field permits users to further classify inventory items based on the unique tracking needs of the office. Once a Stocking Group is created, multiple inventory items can be linked to it for analysis or tracking purposes. Several built-in reports are available on activity based on the Stocking Group fields. Custom reports can also be created by the user to answer the questions that the Stocking Group provides. Stocking Group can be use in conjunction with the Stocking Category field or a sub-set of the type/vendor/manufacturer/Stocking Category grouping of inventory items. For example, the type of inventory item called Frames could be further grouped using a Stocking Category option and then a sub-group such as a gender type/colour/etc.. of the main frames type for tracking purposes. The Key to properly using this field is to plan what items should be grouped together to answer the tracking questions you want answered.
Total On Hand: This is the number of items you have on hand. This number is only active when the Stock Item / Inventory Control has been activated with a check mark.(see below) This number is adjusted with each Invoice and Purchase Order transaction related to this item.
Total Retail Value: The dollar value of the item in inventory
Type of Inventory Item: This is a series of optional classifications for reporting purposes. It permits users to easily track the usage of an inventory item.
Buy: Items that you Buy and wish to track for reporting purposes
Sell: Items that you Sell to your patients and want to track
Stock Item / Inventory Control : When checked marked the invoice will keep track of the number of items sold and reflect it in the on-hand value on this screen. If not Checked the ON-Hand number is not modified when an item is sold or returned to inventory.
If the Stock Item / Inventory Control is not checked (activated) the item will not be tracked by the invoice. Items sold and items returned will not adjust the Total ON Hand count for the item. This check box must be turned on for each item you want Filopto to track via the invoice activity.
Minimum Stock Allowed: The Purchase Order system uses this field as the trigger to generate an automatic Purchase Order if the amount field goes below the number (specified level) in this field.
Add New Stocking Information
Office Inventory Grid: The grid displays for the various offices the amount of inventory the office has for the given item.
Office: Name of the office (the office name can only be selected once, duplicate office names are not allowed)
Location : the place where inventory is stored
Qty on Hand: The number of items the office has on hand (not sold)
Qty on Order: The number of items the office has on order
Qty Committed: Number of items that are committed to customers (when the inventory item is negative the invoice automatically records the unavailable number of items sold as committed.)
Qty Available: The quantity available to be sold
Re-Order Point: The quantity which must be on-hand at all times. If the on-hand quantity is below this number the item is added to the automatic PO system for ordering.
Minimum-Re-Order Quantity: The minimum quantity that should be ordered at a time.
Stock Transfer button
The stock transfer button permits users to record the transfer of inventory items between offices. For example if one office is missing an item and another office has a quantity. Users can have the required item sent by the office having spares and once received in the office record that the item was transferred from one office to the other. A transfer log is automatically created which can be printed via the report module for auditing and verification purposes. ( Inventory transfer Log report).
To be able to transfer a stock item each office must have a corresponding entry in the stocking grid to accept the transfer. If there is no entry for an office, you cannot transfer stock to that office. The stock transfer button will not be visible if no entry exist for the office receiving the item.
View Stocking Information History
The grid displayed shows the tracking of this item over a period of time.
Create Purchase Order
The Create Purchase Order button allows the user to create a new P.O. for the product without having to go into the P.O. Manager.