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The Pricing Rule screen permits users to create and modify pricing rules for inventory items. Two types of pricing rule can be created 1) a patient Discount Category or 2) a Promotion(sales) discount.


See: Promotional Pricing Rule help or the Promo Pricing Rule help for more detail.


A Patient Discount Category Rule applies only to a group of Patients and is linked to the patient file using the Patient Default Discount Plan for Patient field located in the Patient Financial Screen in the patient file (Default Discount Plan for Patient).




An example of a Patient Discount Category rule could be that you provide a seniors discount for patients over 65 in age.  If the Patient Financial screen has the Senior discount plan selected, each time the patient makes a purchase the discount will be automatically applied.  The discount is shown in the field Patient Plan under the Patient Discount per unit section on the Invoice Line item detail screen in the Invoice.


PatientDiscountInvoiceitem1                             InvdetailpatientDiscount


A Promotional Discount Plan ( Promo Plan) is a sales type plan which typically applies for a given time period only.  It is a sale on an item for a given period of time (i.e. End of Month Sale).   All Patients can benefit from this type of discount plan.  It is also automatically applied and appears on the Invoice Line item detail screen in the Invoice below the Patient Plan.  It is called a Promo Plan and is subject to the limitation you activated in the Patient Discount Category Rule.



The Discount Pricing Rules screen allows a user to create both rule types described above.  It is divided into a Button bar which contains Buttons to create new , edit and delete Discount rules. Make sure you use the proper button to manage the rule you want.


The Search Criteria section allows users to view only the rules matching their request based on the items selected for view.  To activate the view, press the Apply View Criteria button once you have selected the items for the view.


The bottom grid displays the rules that match the view criteria.  Items in green represent Promotional Pricing rules.


