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Promotional Pricing Rules

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PromotionalButton The Promotional Pricing rules button  permits users to create specific price discount rules (sales) for items or group of items.  These Pricing Rules can be automatically applied at invoice time.  For example users can create a Senior Discount pricing rule that would give a specific discount to seniors.





Promotional Pricing Rules apply only to the Patient portion of an invoiced item and if an item is identified for use in an Insurance Claim, the Patient pricing rules are automatically discontinued (removed) for that item.


User defined Promotional discounts are automatically applied based on the dates and rules defined.  No user intervention is required other than creating the promotional rule. The Invoice system will automatically apply any active (not-expired) promotional  rule.

If you change the pricing rule for an existing invoice, do a recalc of the invoice, to make certain the correct promotional pricing is applied.




There are two types of promotional rules; Patient Discount Category Rules and Standard Promotional rules.



Patient Discount Category Rules are manual or automated Discount rules ( 1 or More rules categories as on Class of Rules) that can be applied at Invoice time.  Patient Discount Category Rules are created by:


1) Creating a Patient Discount Category will link the Patient, the Discount Category, one or more Discount Rule and Invoice together. Create the name for the Patient Discount Category in the Filopto System Settings (1) / Inventory (2) / Patient Discount Categories (3) section (see below).  Once the Discount Category Name is created you can link one or more rules to that specific category.  For example you can create a Discount Category called Senior Category and have multiple rules attached to that Category.  You could have a rule that gives a 10% discount on frames and another rule that gives 20% discount on Contacts lens etc, all regrouped under the Seniors Discount Category. Depending on the various items the senior patient purchase at invoice time, the appropriate rule(s) within the Seniors Discount Category will be automatically applied.





If you wish to provide the best discount available to your Patients, place a check mark in the field beside the Discount Category Name that is called "Search in the Normal / No Category Rules for better discounts" (3) to use the best available discount that is active on the creation date of the Patient Invoice.


Example:  The Patient has a defined Patient Discount category of "Seniors" that offers a 10% discount, however you are currently running a Special Promotional Discount of 15% for the same item.  By having a check mark in the Search in the Normal/No Category Rules for better discounts field, the Patient will be provided with the 15% discount since it is better than the standard 10% discount identified in the Patient Discount Category rule(s).


In the rule section for the field called Type:  The options permits various items to be included in the rule.  


All Items means the rule will be applicable to all items added to the invoice.

All Items (excluding Services) means that items identified as Services will be ignored.

Glasses (Frames, Ophthalmic Lenses and Options) means the Rule applies to the 3 items making up a pair of Glasses. Note if you add more than 1 pair of Glasses, the rule applies to all of the listed items for all Glasses.

Contact Lenses(soft and Hard Contact Lenses and Options). Similar to the Glasses the rule above, the rule applies to any listed contacts hard or soft and contact options added to the invoice.


Note: The Discount Category can contain more than one rule giving tremendous flexibility to provide unique discounts down to individual items. ( Promo Plans rules do not support grouping of rules into a specific discount category).




You can track the use of the Discount Category and Promotional Rules by running the Patients List who benefited from a Promotional-Discount Plan report (Accounting/Financial Category)






2)  Once the Patient Discount Category is create you mus create the discount rules and linked it to this category name that you just created.  Select in the Inventory tab, the Promotional Pricing Rules button.





Select the New Patient Discount Rule (2) button to create the Patient Discount Category Rule button (2) which will open the Rule Editor.  Select the Name from the drop down list of your Discount Category that you created in Step 1 above and define the rules that will apply for this Patient Discount Category.  



Discount Categories:  The name of the Patient Discount Rule example: Seniors (discount)

Office:  The Office this rule applies or all offices.

Effective date:  The start date from which this rule be applied  (a blank start date means the rule is immediately active)

Expiry date: The end date when this rule will no longer be applied. ( if you do not select an end date the discount will always be available)

Rule to apply: select the phrases that represent the rule you wish to apply.

Rule description: is a text field explaining the rule for your internal use, for reporting and clarity purposes.

OK Button:  saves the rule.

Cancel button: exits the rule without saving the rule.





3)  For Automated Assignment of the Patient Discount Category you must identify in the Patient File  / Financial / Invoices section the Discount Category the Name of the Discount Category Rule to automatically apply on all of the patient's invoices.





4) To manually enter a Discount Category at Invoice time, select the Discount Category (1) to use prior to adding any items to the invoice.  The Discount Category is only applied when an item is added to the invoice.  It cannot be added to an item already on the invoice.


You can create a Discount Category rule for a given item type and automate the discount by assigning the Discount Category rule name to the Patient file for the Patient you want to give the discount.


For example if you create a Seniors discount and then assign the Discount Category to the Patient file, all of the patient invoices will benefit from the discount.  If however, you wish to create a special 10% discount, for example, but only want to manually apply the discount at invoice time to the Patient invoice you can easily assign it using the Discount Category (1) field in the Patient invoice. This manual option must be selected prior to any items being added to the invoice.





Standard Promotional Pricing rules are discount rules you want applied to address a sale type activity or provide some other regular discount activity. These type of discount rules are automatic and will be applied per the rules definition on all invoices created.



The New Promotion/Sales Discount Rule (2) button permits user to create their own Promotional sales rules.




Users complete the Promotional rules in the rule editor.. Depending on the rule being created the displayed screen will display the fields appropriate for the given rule type.


To apply the rule to all Invoices (see exception permitted by the Patient Discount Category Rules category) select the Discount category (1) "Normal/No Category" option.  Selecting any of the other defined options will be controlled by the specified Patient Discount Category rules.




Discount Categories:  You must select : Normal/No Category for this rule type to function properly

Office:  The Office this rule applies or all offices.

Promotion Name: is the name for the promo discount rule.  This is used for identification, tracking and reporting purposes.

Effective date:  The start date from which this rule be applied   (a blank start date means the rule is immediately active)

Expiry date: The end date when this rule will no longer be applied. ( if you do not select an end date the discount will always be available)

Rule to apply: select the phrases that represent the rule you wish to apply.

Rule description: is a text field explaining the rule for your internal use, for reporting and clarity purposes.

OK Button:  saves the rule.

Cancel button: exits the rule without saving the rule.