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Navigation: Front Office Tab > Invoice Overview

Applying Discounts to Line Items

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If a discount is applied it will show on the invoice in the Discount column.


Invoice Line Items can have discounts applied to them based on the business rules defined by the user.  For example if a user defines a Seniors Discount in Filopto and the Patient is a member of that discount plan Filopto will automatically apply the discount to the invoice ( for more Information see Pricing Rule Screen).  The discount will show in the Invoice Discount column of the Patient Plan field.




Promo Plan Discounts are discounts entered in the Pricing Manager ( see Inventory Promotional Pricing Rules) to record that an item is on sale.  If the item is on Sale,  the item Promo Plan line will display the discount applicable to the item.


The Discretionary field allows users to record who authorized the discount and apply the discount amount to the line item.


Discounts to Invoice Total


Users can create Inventory items such as "$10.00 Discount"  which when added as a line item to the invoice gives a $10.00 discount to the invoice total.



By selecting the discount drop down button a user can assign Discretionary Discount a percentage (%) in the first highlighted field (yellow) which will calculate the amount of the discount, or enter the amount directly without entering a percentage.  The percentage has to entered as a number ( 10 = 10%).   The second highlighted field (yellow) is the person authorizing the discount.


The other discounts possible is the Patient Plan such as Senior discount which would appear in the Patient Plan as a discount amount and the Promo discount which is entered when a Promo is applicable.