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Navigation: Inventory Tab

Overview of Inventory function

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Real-time Inventory:


Filopto uses inventory part items to represent materials, services or parts you buy, track as inventory, and then resell. Through inventory part items, you can keep track of how many items remain in stock after a sale, how many items you have on order, your cost of goods sold, and the Retail value of your inventory. Services are included as an inventory item for tracking purposes and increase speed when creating invoices.


Several basic steps are required before Filopto recognizes that the inventory system is active.



You must have at least one Vendor in the Vendor section.


Before you can run the patient Invoice application, you'll need to add at least one inventory item if you intend to use the inventory option.


You must also record any applicable taxes in the Inventory set up section so they are reflected in your Invoices.


You must have completed the "Company Profile Information" in the System/Settings section.


The Inventory Manager is very flexible and can assist you in the proper management of your inventory. Some of the features the inventory manager offers are:


Perpetual inventory

Bar coding of items

Picture management of items

Management of stock on hand

Price history

Sales pricing

Sales history of an item

Purchase history of an item

Re-order levels for an item

Commission management

Segmentation and grouping of items

Tracking of inventory items by custom part numbers

Tracking of inventory items by manufacturer part numbers

Tracking of inventory items by supplier part numbers

Location tracking of items

Multiple pricing capabilities

Discount pricing management

Creation of inventory packages containing several items but seen as one inventory item


In addition, each item type has special fields for the proper management of the inventory item. We strongly suggest that you review the various screens available in the Inventory module prior to starting the input of items.


Before proceeding, you should define if you will be using a specific feature in the inventory and how you will be using that feature. For example, the category and grouping of inventory items can significantly affect how you will be able to view your reports.


The inventory can or does not have to be used depending on your type of practice. The inventory system provides all the features of an advanced inventory system including re-ordering notification and other inventory control features such as inventory On-Hand, On Order, and replenishing values.



Historical Reporting:


The Inventory is a real-time system. As such the information it contains is actively changed as users sell/buy items. The data is dynamic and constantly changing. The inventory module provides multiple reports, in real-time, on the various inventory items in Filopto. The reports can report on specific items, group of items, custom categories, active and non-active items with the on-hand and the dollar value each item represents.  If you require to keep historical records for a specific date/period, it is recommended that you print the required reports  (daily, weekly, monthly, semi-annually, yearly) to create your historical inventory records for the specific date.