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EyeConX Reminders

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EyeconX enables your practice to send reminders, recalls, notifications and education to patients via e-mail, SMS and telephone.


To activate the service you must acquire the service and request a Filopto license for the EyeconX connector.  Once your license is activated,  the Filopto EyeconX connector will retrieve and create the files required by the EyeconX program installed on your server.  


1) the appointments notices retrieves the list of all appointment scheduled from the patient scheduler


2) the recalls notices list retrieve all entries created in the Filopto Recalls module.


3) the lab order notices are triggered when a lab order status is changed and marked as  "Inspected"  (check mark) for a specific lab order.


4) appointments confirmation generated by EyeconX are displayed as the removal of the check mark in each appointment via the Tentative Appointment Confirmation data field.  





The EyeconX program must first be installed on your server before the activation of the Filopto EyeconX Connector. You will need to contact EyeconX before the activation of the Filopto EyeconX connector license, since upon activation, the Filopto connector creates a series of files needed by the EyeconX software on first connect.  If the files are created before the EyeConX program is installed on your server, the ExeconX software will not be able to retrieve them and will encounter startup issues and incorrect information may be transmitted to your patients.


If for some reason you need to regenerate the all inclusive patient.csv file,  just delete it in the connector folder and Filopto will automatically re-create a patient.csv file with all patients.


There is no configuration required in Filopto except making use of the Filopto features listed above, all configuration of messages and response are done by the EyeconX software.





The eyeconx web site: EyeconX | Patient Communication & Education | Practice Promotion



TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE:  1-866-533-2669 ext. 706