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Navigation: Office Manager Tab

Employee Manager

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EmployeeManagerButton2The Employee Manager administers the user accounts/profiles for the Filopto users.


What is a User Account/Profile?


A user account/profile is a collection of settings and information that tells Filopto which tab, button and features a user can access, what a user can do with Filopto, what are the users preferences, and what network resources the user can access when connected to the Filopto network server.


The user account/profile allows a user to authenticate to Filopto so that a user is granted authorization to use Filopto and the resources that the Filopto administrator has allowed.  Secure, enterprise grade systems such as Filopto don’t allow a user to use their resources without having a user account/profile.


In Filopto, you can manage the user accounts/profile by going to the “Office Manager Tab - Employee Manager” and creating an employee (user).




Once an employee profile is created, the Filopto administrator, can go to the employee profile “security tab” to select from the already created access groups the access rights for the user.  User access groups are a collection of user accounts that share the same security rights and permissions.  A user account must be a member of at least one user group. By default, users have no access rights. (see Security Access Rights for more information)


(Note: Only Filopto Administrators have access to the Employee Profile Security Tab)



The Employee Manager comes in two versions:


1)  Basic

2)  Advanced Optional Module




Basic Version


This is the default version for Filopto.  The Basic version works with the security module to give employee access to Filopto.  It records basic information on the employee and for employees which are providers, it records specific information required for claim billing and provider scheduling.


In the Employee Profile record the following features (tabs) are available:



General Information


Office Hours & Time Blocks (provider only)


Insurance (provider only)        


Signature (provider only)



Optional Module


The Optional Module expands the Employee Manager and permits the scheduling of employees, tracking of time sheets, payroll activity and permits the linking of time sheets to the optional QuickBooks Pro module for payroll functions.  Designed to permit the management of personnel, the optional module can keep track of your personnel records. It includes functions such as time clock, advanced Provider scheduling , staff scheduling, time sheet tracking and much more.


In the Employee Profile record the following features are available:



General Information        














Time Logs


Time Sheets


Time Clock


Insurance (provider only)


Signature (provider only)


Employee Scheduler


Advanced Time Blocks (provider only)




Important: When using the employee Optional Module, the employee scheduler must have a time block associated with each provider defining when he is available or the scheduler Find Free Time function will return NO Availability for the provider.



In addition the employee optional module provides for the management of time sheets and the time clock and permits the scheduling of all employees.  For the providers, the time block is replaced with the Provider scheduler which permits the blocking out of time for any activity at anytime.



MyprofileMy Profile button


The My Profile button is located on the main tool bar in the Home tab and permits the user to see only His/Her employee record.  In this manner, the system administrator can remove access to the Employee Manager but still permit each user to see their employment record and work schedule.   The user who is signed on has access to the employee record for the logon which is active only, access to other users profile is not accessible.




The Employee Manager provides a list of employees for use by Filopto.


New Employee: Creates a new employee record.


View/Edit Employee: edits the selected employee record.






The employees shown in the Employee Manager by default are the active employees only.  If you cannot find an employee, change the search criteria to display non-active employees also.  Only Active employees can logon to Filopto.